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“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” John Muir

I have lived most of my life in Western Connecticut. With every outing, I am amazed by the beauty around us and enjoy the chance to share it with everyone. For a variety of reasons, the wildlife population in Connecticut is rebounding beyond where it was over a century ago. We need to take a closer look at how we are living, using the earth, and our coexistence with the other lives on this planet. We can make a difference…

The love of nature and all the wildlife has been a life long draw for me. I have always enjoyed the outdoors, backpacking, day hikes, mountain biking, rock climbing , and trail running. Now I am attempting to capture these experiences for everyone to enjoy.

Over the past years, I have felt compelled to record and share the wonders that can be observed throughout nature. This peeked my interest in nature and wildlife as a photographer.

“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Mahatma Gandhi.

All of these photographs have been taken in Connecticut unless otherwise noted.

So far, red fox have been my favorite mammal to photograph. The family of 2020 started with a strong base of three adults and four kits (two male and two female) in just four months this family was reduced to just one female kit and the father. However, in mid September, a new fox arrived and appears to be a male of the same age as the female kit. With the father having left the territory the new male has stuck around and may become the female’s mate!

Update 3/28/21: Two young fox have been seen utilizing last years birth den. One appears to be the last remaining female from 2020’s litter.

7/2021: Four pups are still on the dam and an adult fox has been spotted caring for and brining food for the young fox. It appears that the family is intact and healthy! They are starting to hunt for themselves and are exploring the new world around them. Soon, they will be learning from the adults and preparing to head off on their own.

2022: Three pups were born this year. Two were struck by cars (one male and one female), one is unaccounted for an is hopefully still alive and thriving! Father fox played a a big roll this year in raising the pus and was seen frequently grooming, feeding and spending time with them.

GMB Exposures Nature and Wildlife Photography by Greg Bernard


3 thoughts on “Home

  1. Awesome pics! They bring me back to my youth hiking and exploring the backcountry of Connecticut. The bald eagle pics are my favorites and remind of the wildlife and landscapes I see while exploring the Northwest and British Columbia.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I recently purchased a photograph of the red fox sisters playing. It is such an awesome image that I am lucky enough to see every day! Greg Bernard is a rare talent, and his love for nature and its creatures come shining through in his photographs. Support art and beauty. 🙂


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